After five months of radio silence, I've decided that Coffee with a Stranger needs a quick update. Here's what's been happening since August 29th:
1) Despite the lack of writing, I've actually still been meeting with a few strangers. Many apologies to everyone I've met but still haven't written about! I promise I'll crack down and get writing soon, but hopefully the free coffee (and good company?) made the meeting worth your while...
Strangers yet to be written about include a friend of my sister's who proved there's still a whole lotta love for Wayne Gretzky in Canada, an awesome couple from Santa Cruz, and a writer and former professor who just happens to be Stranger #10's partner. You may remember Stranger #10, Bob, for his strong opinions and racy photographs.
2) Denise Sims, image consultant, spotter of northern hands, and Stranger #7, recently popped up in my inbox with the following email:
Hi Mike,
Totally different topic . . .
Are you interested in generating ‘residual’ income?
If so, call me.
There’s something I’ve been doing for 4 months. This month I am making $2500 from it, while having done my own business in the meantime! Wow!!!
I’m impressed.
All the best.
I decided to pass, but if you're interested, I can get you in touch with her. I might also be meeting with a friend of Denise's some time next week. Stay tuned!
3) Keeping with the theme of past strangers, remember Stranger #9? He was the talkative fellow who I dubbed as "A Man with a PhD in Projects." Well, he was in an independent movie called "The Bigtop" and the director of the film, Devon Reed, recently sent me a free DVD of the movie and a CD of the soundtrack. Thanks, Devon! Maybe I'll write a review once I get a chance to watch it....
4) A photo I took from my trip to the Albany Bulb was picked up by a blog that loves all things Wizard of Oz. Check it out here.
5) Jason Simon, friend of Coffee with a Stranger and the brains behind Caffeinated Conversations, is sending me a free t-shirt! (I get excited by mail. And free stuff.) Jason, a much more prolific blogger than I, is working on a cool project in the Seattle area that involves bringing strangers together over cups of coffee. Check out his site and flickr page to see what he's doing. The t-shirt, which I'll be sure to model for you once it shows up on my doorstep, is another of Jason's ideas to connect people face-to-face instead of from behind their computers. You can learn more about his t-shirts and his project here.
6) Jason also recently sent me a link to a guy in Australia (and another ex-pat Canadian!) with a Coffee-with-a-Stranger-esque project, but his involves tea! Check out One Hundred Cups here.
7) The biggest news of all, however, is that Coffee with a Stranger is moving to another country! I'm temporarily heading back to the homeland, Canada, to work at an organic farm on Vancouver Island. I'll miss sunny California, but I'm excited about this opportunity. I'll likely be covered in dirt and wearing overalls from early April to late October. I'm hoping to continue Coffee with a Stranger in British Columbia, but maybe with some changes - I'm thinking along the lines of a roadside stand and free coffee, but I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for reading!
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